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AED Placement And Maintenance

By purchasing an AED device and mounting it in an appropriate spot isn’t the end of the story. An early defibrillation program is part of a commitment to the health and safety of your employees, customers, and vendors. Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) strikes approximately 340,000 people in the U.S. every year and less than 5% survive (chances of survival drop 10% for every minute that passes before cardiac rhythm is restored). An AED and early defibrillation program can improve survival rates, raising them as high as 60% in some estimates.

If you plan on adding this lifesaving technology to your facilities, we can help you implement a faster trained response to sudden cardiac arrest.

Our AED program management covers critical elements, including the initial prescription required for purchase, routine device maintenance, and emergency care training including CPR, AED, and first aid.

Adding AEDs to your first response capabilities requires a new mindset — this isn’t basic first aid with bandages, swabs, or antibiotic ointments. Defibrillators are only one part of an effective resuscitation program, but they’re an important one to ensure everyone at and around your facility has a chance, should SCA strike. 

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