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Anchor 1
CPR AED First Aid
Cpr AED and First Aid is a video-based, instructor-led course that teaches students critical skills needed to respond to and manage an emergency until emergency medical services arrives. Skills covered in this course include first aid; choking relief in adults, children, and infants; and what to do for sudden cardiac arrest in adults, children, and infants. This course teaches skills with the research-proven practice-while-watching technique.
Anchor 2
AED Placement and Maintenance
By purchasing an AED device and mounting it in an appropriate spot isn’t the end of the story. An early defibrillation program is part of a commitment to the health and safety of your employees, customers, and vendors. Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) strikes approximately 340,000 people in the U.S. every year and less than 5% survive (chances of survival drop 10% for every minute that passes before cardiac rhythm is restored). An AED and early defibrillation program can improve survival rates, raising them as high as 60% in some estimates.
If you plan on adding this lifesaving technology to your facilities, we can help you implement a faster trained response to sudden cardiac arrest.
Our AED program management covers critical elements, including the initial prescription required for purchase, routine device maintenance, and emergency care training including CPR, AED, and first aid.
Adding AEDs to your first response capabilities requires a new mindset — this isn’t basic first aid with bandages, swabs, or antibiotic ointments. Defibrillators are only one part of an effective resuscitation program, but they’re an important one to ensure everyone at and around your facility has a chance, should SCA strike.
Anchor 3
Public Access Defibrillation Law information
What is “Public Access Defibrillation”?
Public Access Defibrillation is the use of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) by persons other than traditional EMS responders, to treat victims of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). AEDs are computerized “smart” defibrillators which incorporate technology capable of recognizing which victims of cardiac
arrest require the immediate application of one or more electric shocks to restore their hearts to organized, blood-pumping states.
What is the Purpose of PAD?
The purpose of PAD is to increase the likelihood of survival of victims of sudden cardiac arrest occurring
outside of a hospital, by reducing the time interval from the victim’s collapse until the application of a defibrillator to the minimum possible.
Why is PAD Important?
Extensive medical research has demonstrated that, even with properly-performed CPR, the likelihood of survival of a victim of SCA decreases by up to 10% for every minute that goes by between the onset of SCA and the first application of an AED.
In communities in other states where PAD programs have been put into place, the overall survival rate of all victims of out-of-hospital SCA is approaching 50%. (Survival means that the victim is discharged alive from the hospital, and goes home with some level of retained physical and mental function). In the average community in the United States today, that rate is only 10% to 20%.
What has made PAD Possible?
In response to powerful recommendations from the medical and EMS communities across the state, the
New York State Legislature passed, and Governor George Pataki signed into law in late August of 1998, a bill amending the Public Health Law to permit the creation of PAD programs. This law allows virtually any public or private entity to collaborate with a physician or hospital to acquire, and to train personnel in the use of, AEDs. The advent of compact, more affordable ($1,000 to $2,000 each) and virtually maintenance-free AEDs has made it possible for personnel with a minimum of training (4 - 6 hours) to safely and effectively provide life-saving early defibrillation to victims of SCA.
Can all SCA Victims Benefit from PAD?
Persons who are suffering from certain disturbances in the electrical rhythm that controls their heartbeat
can have those disturbances corrected by the early application of an AED. Such persons represent the vast majority of victims of SCA (75% - 85%), at least at the onset. Extensive medical research has demonstrated that a large percentage of such victims can be restored to life-sustaining heart function if defibrillation is applied within the first few minutes following the onset of SCA.
What is Required to Sponsor a PAD Program?
The law requires that any business, organization, or agency, public or private, meet certain requirements in order to sponsor a PAD program contact us for specifics regarding your county rules and regulations
Anchor 4
Customized Emergency Action/Response Plans
Emergency Action Plans
The commonplace term “emergency action plan” is widely used by both the private and the public sector. Specialized emergency action plans used in the public sector may relate to specialized requirements for the development of site-specific Emergency Action Plans (EAP).
An emergency action plan must communicate the following minimum requirements:
Procedures for emergency evacuation, including type of evacuation and exit route assignments
Procedures to be followed when performing rescue or medical duties
Means of reporting fires or other emergencies
The purpose of an emergency action plan (EAP) is to facilitate actions during emergencies. Preventative emergency measures are necessary to minimize emergencies, however plans should be in place to ensure safety in case an emergency scenario occurs.
An EAP should be part of an overall emergency management program, elevate the state of response awareness, and create an atmosphere of response readiness. Before implementing an emergency action plan, you must designate and train to assist in the safe, orderly emergency evacuation. In order to customize an EAP, you should include the following:
Responses to specific potential emergency scenarios
Communications processes
Training in emergency action plan specifics
Plans highlighting evacuation routes, emergency exits and fire fighting equipment
Potentially hazardous features and on-site emergency systems
Individual roles and responsibilities
Notification, warning, and communications procedures
Location and use of common emergency equipment
Emergency response procedures
Evacuation, shelter, and accountability procedures.
Anchor 5
Pet First Aid & Disaster Response
The Pet First Aid & Disaster Response Guide is designed to help pet owners provide temporary, urgent care to pets until they can reach a veterinary or emergency clinic. The text will teach readers to care for their animals before, during, and after an emergency. The Pet First Aid & Disaster Response Guide includes coverage of: injury prevention and disaster preparation; personal safety precautions to help pet owners identify and minimize risks; and a wide array of pet emergencies including bleeding and bite wounds, cardiac arrest, choking, burns, poisoning, trauma, and more.
Anchor 6
Active Shooter Threat Response
Training for everybody, NOW.
An active shooter is a person determinedly engaged in killing or attempting to kill people. Active shooter situations are unpredictable and evolve quickly.
The threat of indiscriminate gun violence hasn’t diminished. That’s why Active shooter Threat Response Training efforts continue to escalate across the country.
Our goal is to help lower the body count by equipping people with the latest life-saving preparedness training.
Built with the assistance of national subject matter experts from the law enforcement community, this course is intended for any audience, at work, at home, in school or place of worship.
Here at Peace of Mind Training it is the least we could do.
Who is this active shooter preparedness training course for?
Everyone. Active shooter events happen at more than just schools and higher learning facilities like colleges and universities.
This course was designed with all ages in mind.
Talk with your family. If you have school-age children in your life, talk with their schools, ask about their planning and response. Ask children what lock-down measures and drills mean in their school and how they work. Discuss what you would do if you and your family were ever involved in an active shooter incident. Proper preparation makes you and your family safer.
Help lower the body count by sharing this active shooter training to someone you care about today:
This is what you'll learn...
Describe what to do when law enforcement arrives
on the scene of an active shooter event
Help identify the warning signs of an active shooter event
Learn three ways in which people typically
react in an active shooter event
Explain the purpose of being familiar with
your surroundings in public spaces
Identify the actions you can take to protect
yourself during an active shooter event
Describe what to do when law enforcement arrives
on the scene of an active shooter event
Help identify the warning signs of an active shooter event
Anchor 7
Emergency Management
Get Prepared Be Prepared
Make a disaster plan with your household members to prepare for what to do, how to find each other, and how to communicate in an emergency. Make a plan that best suits your needs and the needs of your household.
Make Your Plan
Gather Supplies
Get Information
When to Go: Evacuations
When to Stay: Shelter in Place
Include your children in planning for an emergency.
Emergencies can present additional challenges for seniors. By planning ahead, you will feel more confident about protecting yourself in any emergency.
Disabilities, Access and Functional Needs
People with disabilities or access and functional needs must take additional steps when making a plan to be prepared.
For many, pets are more than just animals — they are a part of the family. As members of your family, they should be included in your emergency planning process.
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